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Dostupné formátyStargate SG-1 Zabezpečené skenovanie : 05/23/2024
Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1

1504 Názory
The story of Stargate SG-1 begins about a year after the events of the feature film, when the United States government learns that an ancient alien device called the Stargate can access a network of such devices on a multitude of planets. SG-1 is an elite Air Force special operations team, one of more than two dozen teams from Earth who explore the galaxy and defend against alien threats such as the Goa'uld, Replicators, and the Ori.

Beh programu: 42:60 minút

Kvalita: HD

Dátum prvého vysielania: Jul 27, 1997

Dátum posledného vysielania: Jun 22, 2007

Epizóda: 214 Epizóda

Sezóna: 10 Sezóna

IMDb: 2.76
