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Verfügbare FormateYu-Gi-Oh! Zexal Sicher gescannt : 05/22/2024
Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal

Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal

36 Ansichten
When aspiring duelist Yuma meets Astral, a mysterious visitor from another universe, it seems like destiny. Yuma needs Astral to teach him how to duel, and Astral needs Yuma to help him regain his memories! They would be dueling’s greatest tag team…. except they don't get along! This dueling duo better get their act together quickly because ZEXAL is a whole new duel with greater challenges than ever before! Fantastic new monsters! Powerful new cards! Augmented reality-powered duel technology! Together, it takes dueling to the next level!

Laufzeit: 25:14 Protokoll

Qualität: HD

Erstes Sendedatum: Apr 11, 2011

Letzter Sendetermin: Mar 23, 2014

Folge: 146 Folge

Jahreszeit: 1 Jahreszeit

IMDb: 3.931
