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Hraní na serveru: Server 1
Dostupné formátyFullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Zabezpečené skenování : 05/23/2024
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood

1928 Pohledy
Disregard for alchemy’s laws ripped half of Edward Elric’s limbs from his body and left his brother Alphonse’s soul clinging to a suit of armor. To restore what was lost, the brothers seek the Philosopher’s Stone. Enemies and allies – the corrupt military, the Homunculi, and foreign alchemists – will alter the Elric brothers course, but their purpose will remain unchanged and their bond unbreakable.

Runtime: 25:14 minut

Kvalitní: HD

Datum prvního vysílání: Apr 05, 2009

Datum posledního vysílání: Jul 04, 2010

Epizoda: 64 Epizoda

Sezóna: 1 Sezóna

IMDb: 2.302
