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Reproducció al servidor: Server 1
Formats disponiblesYu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS Escanejat segur : 05/18/2024


19 Vistes
Den City is a city with advanced network systems in which a VR space called LINK VRAINS was created by SOL Technologies. The Knights of Hanoi, a group that hacks through dueling, as well as SOL Technologies are seeking a mysterious AI program. Yusaku Fujiki, also known as Playmaker, is a first year high school student who manages to capture this AI program while trying to find out the truth about an incident in the past.

Temps d'execució: 24:14 minuts

Qualitat: HD

Primera cita aèria: May 10, 2017

Data de l'última transmissió: Sep 25, 2019

Episodi: 120 Episodi

Temporada: 1 Temporada

IMDb: 4.2
